ACH Transaction Processing
  • 12 Jun 2023
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ACH Transaction Processing

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Article summary

This feature is an add-on module and is only available if you have purchased this module.  Contact your Bryt Representative to learn more about accessing this module.

ACHQ settlement times are typically four to five business days. If there are no issues with the payment request, the transaction will start with a status of "scheduled" and will progress to a "cleared" state. The typical lifecycle of a transaction is as follows:

Scheduled -> In Process -> Cleared

The example below lists this process in more detail:

Bryt users are on ACHQ's standard 3-day settlement hold period.  This process is in place to accommodate the 48-hour ACH return window.  So, the payment that was initiated on Monday the 2nd would follow the following path:

  1. Monday – Payment instructions received from Bryt.  ACHQ creates ACH files and sends them to the Federal Reserve
  2. Tuesday – Debit effective (post) to customer’s account; the beginning of 48 hour ACH return window (Day 1)
  3. Wednesday – Hold for returns; second half of 48-hour return window (Day 2)
  4. Thursday – End of 48 hours that started Tuesday morning. Create a settlement file. Send settlement file to Fed. Res. (Day 3)
  5. Friday – Settlement effective in your account

The table below lists and describes all possible statuses:

Event DescriptionStatus
Transaction CreatedScheduled
Transaction DeclinedDeclined
Transaction CancelledCanceled
Transaction Submitted to Federal ReserveIn Process
Transaction ApprovedCleared
Transaction Failed VerificationFailed Verification
Transaction Rejected for Non-Sufficient FundsReturned NSF
Transaction Rejected for Administrative ReasonsReturned Other
Transaction Disputed or Rejected After ApprovalCharged Back
Transaction Placed On-Hold by MerchantMerchant Hold
Transaction Placed On-Hold by Processor (ACHQ)Processor Hold

Although payments can be entered into Bryt at any time, ACHQ's daily cut-off time for transaction amendments is 7:00 PM Eastern Time. All transactions are batched and sent between banks overnight through the Federal Reserve on banking days only. The statuses of the payments are returned to ACHQ from various banks throughout the day. Bryt will submit status tracking queries to ACHQ's API every day to update the statuses of the transactions within Bryt. These statuses can be found throughout different areas of Bryt.

Update: Payments made via ACH are now automatically accepted. 

Older statutes will be saved to keep track of the transaction lifecycle.

The following diagram illustrates the lifecycle of an ACH transaction with ACHQ. If you want to learn more about how ACH transactions work, visit ACHQ's "How it Works" page.


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