Adding a Closing Cost Fee
  • 05 Apr 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Adding a Closing Cost Fee

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Article summary

The Lender Fees add-on module is required to follow this guide.

To start you'll want to create a lender fee type and designate the details for your closing cost. 

Please refer to the Lender Fees module guide if any part of the following image isn't clear to you.   

Now you'll want to go to your loan and apply the lender fee we just created.

Note: You can enter any amount to charge (manually) in the step above. 

After the lender fee is applied you'll want to record a payment. Make sure to overpay the amount designated for the lender fee. 

Next, you'll want to enter the amount paid manually to designate the overpaid amount toward the previously established lender fee category. 

Now the paid amounts should be reflected in the loan's summary and schedule. 

Please contact Bryt support if you have any further questions. Thanks!