- 12 Jun 2023
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Admin - Company Details
- Updated on 12 Jun 2023
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Company Details is where Bryt stores information about the company that you work for. If you are using Bryt as an individual, you can enter your personal information (Name, Address, Phone Number, etc) instead of entering company information. Bryt uses the data that is stored here for any reports or forms that might require "Company Information".
Admin - Company Details can be accessed by clicking on the "Admin" link in the navy strip and then clicking on the "Company Details" link on the left-hand side:
You can also access the GUIDE ME Tour for Company Details by clicking on the "Need Help?" button in the lower right corner and then selecting "GUIDE ME - Admin" from the "GUIDE ME Tours" section:
Additionally, you can also access the GUIDE ME Tour for Admin by clicking on the "Checklist" in the lower-left corner and then selecting "GUIDE ME - Admin":
To edit the Company Details, click on the "Edit" button.
When you are happy with your changes, click "Save Changes". To leave this page without saving, click "Cancel".
As well as add a company logo. The process for adding a company logo is covered in the section titled 'Adding a Logo' below.
Adding a Logo
To add a company logo, navigate to your Bryt account's Admin tab, which automatically places you in the Company Details section from the left-hand list.
You will then want to click on the 'Edit' button. From there you will be able to click on a link that says 'Add / Update Company Logo'.After clicking that link you'll be prompted with a wizard to select a file for your company logo image file.
Click on the 'Select files...' button and navigate to the location where your company image logo is stored on your machine.
You can either double-click the image to attach it, or click on the image and then click on 'Open' on the lower right-hand section of the window to attach the image file.
Once you've done that, click 'Done' to finalize the upload/changes.
Note: The wizard may finish the process for you without needing to click the 'Done' button.