Admin - Default Values
  • 09 Aug 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Admin - Default Values

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Article summary

The Default Values tab under Admin will be an area that provides the ability to apply default values across the Bryt. 

Updates are noted by checking the following blue banners. We plan on adding more Default Value options going forward so check those out!

Default Interest Rate (Loan Creation Wizard)
To change the default interest rate that's set when creating a loan using the loan creation wizard, you'll want to navigate to your Admin tab and click on the 'Default Values' tab on the left-hand list.

From there, you'll want to click on the 'Edit' button to enter the default interest rate you'd like to set for your loans (when you create new loans).

Once you've entered the interest rate you want to set by default from now on click on 'Save Changes'. 

Now when you create a loan you'll see the interest rate automatically set to that previously entered default interest rate from the Default Values tab. 

With the update to amortization during the loan creation process, we've added the option to set a default amortization 

Default Amortization (Loan Creation Wizard)

To change the default amortization number that's set when creating a loan using the loan creation wizard, you'll want to navigate to your Admin tab and click on the 'Default Values' tab on the left-hand list.

From there, you'll want to click on the 'Edit' button to enter the default amortization number you'd like to set for your loan creation process.
(Reminder '0' would be an interest-only loan and an amortization number matching the number of terms would be a fully amortized loan.)

Once you've entered your desired default amortization number, click 'Save Changes'. 

 You will now see the default Amortization entered by default upon seeing the 'Interest Rate, Amortization, and Payment Information' screen. 

New Default Values option for Investments module users to help start working on a loan sooner. 

Default Investor (Investments)

You'll want to navigate to the Admin - Default Values tab and click on the 'Edit' button to be able to edit the default values shown below: 

You'll want to click on the blue text '(add default)', which will prompt the ability for you to search your contacts and assign a default investor at 100% funding for any new loans that are created and set In Service. 

Once you've selected a contact, you'll see the option to '(remove)' them if you've selected the wrong contact. 

Once you're done, click the Save Changes button. Going forward you'll have the selected contact be the 100% investor on any new loans you set In Service.