Create a Loan - Loan Details
  • 12 Jun 2023
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Create a Loan - Loan Details

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Article summary

The first page in the Loan Wizard is the Loan Details page:

To add borrowers to your loan, begin typing the name of your borrower in the Borrower field. The names of borrowers that match what you have entered in to this field will appear. Select the appropriate borrower from the list. NOTE: You must enter your borrower as a “Contact” before the borrower will appear on this list. 

You can have multiple borrowers for your loan.

The Loan Name for your loan can be any text string that will help you recognize the loan. For example: “Personal Loan for Jim Smith” or “Loan for 123 North Main Street”. Each loan must have a unique Loan Name.

Loan Amount is the total amount that you are lending to your borrower or if it is an existing loan, the current loan principal balance.