Creating a Contract
  • 29 Aug 2022
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Creating a Contract

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Article summary


When users wish to create a document for their prospective borrowers to sign, you'll want to create a 'Prospective' loan (set up the loan as if the borrower would pay for it) and set it in service.
From there you'll want to upload the Contract Template document template (Download the attached file 'Contract Template.docx' at the top of this article.) you've edited by clicking on the Admin Tab. (Follow the arrow guide image below.)

Once that's uploaded you'll want to go to the prospective loan you've created. Go to the Documents tab on the left-hand list. Then click on the 'Generate Document' button.

Select the document template we just uploaded and select a date to generate the document from. Click the Next button once that looks good to you. 

The following screen will prompt a layout of all matched merge field variables with existing data on the loan and its associated primary contact. 

Click Accept if it all looks fine. 

You'll be asked to set a document file name, or you can leave it as is and click Accept

After clicking accept you'll see the generated document in the list of documents. 

From here you'll be able to download the generated document as either a Word document or a PDF file by clicking on the respective buttons.
I'd recommend downloading a PDF version to have the borrower sign the document. This helps make it easier to prevent intentional changes to the document.

With the downloaded file, you can then email that document to your borrower. Your borrower can then download, print, sign, scan/upload, and resend the signed document to you via email. 

Once you receive the borrower-signed document, you can navigate to the specific associated Contact's/Loan's Documents tab and click the 'Add File' button to upload that signed document and maintain that record. 

This would be the way to have a borrower sign a contract without DocuSign or our pending origination enhancement. Once we build out our loan origination platform, this would be accommodated more easily. 

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