- 18 Feb 2025
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Custom Document Templates and Variables
- Updated on 18 Feb 2025
- 18 Minutes to read
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This article includes downloadable starter/sample document templates and our list of merge field variables.
If you're unfamiliar with the custom document module, please review the following guide to learn how to use it.
Legal Disclaimer: Sample document templates are provided below as examples of how to create various automated documents in Bryt. These samples are not intended to be legal documents as laws and regulations vary greatly by state and by type of business. It is important to have your document templates reviewed by your legal counsel before use.
Creating a Document Template: Want to create your document template from scratch? The following guide explains how to insert merge fields (including custom user field variable data) into your Microsoft Word document (Google Docs do not work).
Starter/Sample Document Templates for Download
1) Welcome Letter Template: Welcome letter using contact information and loan information.
2) Amortization Schedule: Amortized schedule of payments for the term of the loan. NOTE: This template is intended to be used before accepting loan payments. Once principal or interest payments are made on the loan, those payments may not be accurately reflected in the schedule.
3) ACH Authorization Form: Recurring ACH Payment Authorization through ACHQ template with contact and loan information.
4) Periodic Statement H-30(A): Sample Template modeled from Regulation Z Appendix H - H-30(A) Sample Form of Periodic Statement - Click here to View Reg Z Sample
5) Loan Summary (Invoice): Periodic Loan Summary Statement containing contact and loan information with next payment breakdown, YTD paid amounts, and outstanding balances.
6) Payment Request (Notices): This template is a mirrored copy of the Payment Request template from Bryt's Notices.
Note: This excludes the ACH payment link since that's not available under custom documents but you can grab an ACH Payment Link and manually insert it before sending it to the borrower.
7) Payment Receipt: Payment receipt for the last payment made by the borrower.
8) Payoff Statement - Combined: Payoff Demand Letter with borrower information, payoff date, table containing payoff items, and per diem. The "Payoff Demand - Simple" table returns a payoff table with all lender fees and late fees combined (no details).
9) Payoff Statement - Detailed: Payoff Demand Letter with borrower information, payoff date, table containing payoff items, and per diem. The "Payoff Demand - Detailed" table returns a payoff table with all lender fees and late fees detailed.
10) Lender Statement of Account: Only for Investments Module users - shows a Lender's (Investor) Investment portfolio, Funding Activity, and Account Activity as table variables which output data dependent on the selected Date Range option set for the document template.
Bryt's Merge Field Custom Document Variables
Document Variables: The Bryt system uses numerous document variables in our system. Verify you understand the function of the document variable used in your template(s). Using an incorrect document variable may cause your template to produce an inaccurate document. You should thoroughly test your document templates against various loans to ensure accuracy before using them. If you need assistance with document variables, please contact Bryt support - support@brytsoftware.com.
This list of variables below is available for the Custom Documents module (Except for lender/investment variables limited to Investments add-on module users. Including module-specific variables like Impound, Lender Fees, etc.), it also outlines which merge field variables correspond with existing Notice variables. The variables list has a column to note differing custom document targets/sources, such as Per Loan (Default - which applies to most users), Per Borrower, and Per Lender (Investor). The Variables list will be followed by a section outlining table variables.
Category | Source/Target Availability for Document Template | Document Variables | Notice Variables | Description of Field in Bryt |
Contact | Per Loan and Per Borrower | BorrowerFirst | [BORROWER_FIRST] | First Name |
Contact | Per Loan and Per Borrower | BorrowerMiddle | N/A | Middle Name |
Contact | Per Loan and Per Borrower | BorrowerLast | [BORROWER_LAST] | Last Name |
Contact | Per Loan and Per Borrower | BorrowerFirstMiddleLast | N/A | Full Name (combined first name, middle name and last name) Example: Jane B. Doe |
Contact | Per Loan and Per Borrower | BorrowerOrg | N/A | Organization Name |
Contact | Per Loan and Per Borrower | BorrowerFullName | [BORROWER_FULLNAME] | Organization and Full Name combined |
Contact | Per Loan and Per Borrower | BorrowerPhone | N/A | Primary Phone Number |
Contact | Per Loan and Per Borrower | BorrowerEmail | N/A | Email Address |
Contact | Per Loan and Per Borrower | BorrowerStreet1 | [BORROWER_ STREET1] | Street 1 |
Contact | Per Loan and Per Borrower | BorrowerStreet2 | [BORROWER_ STREET2] | Street 2 |
Contact | Per Loan and Per Borrower | BorrowerCity | [BORROWER_CITY] | City |
Contact | Per Loan and Per Borrower | BorrowerState | [BORROWER_STATE] | State |
Contact | Per Loan and Per Borrower | BorrowerZip | [BORROWER_ZIP] | Zip |
Contact | Per Loan and Per Borrower | BorrowerFullAddress | [BORROWER_FULLADDRESS] | Full address - Combination of Street 1, Street 2, City, State, Zip Example: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 100, Washington, DC 20500 |
Loan - Info | Per Loan | LoanName | [LOAN_NAME] | Name of Loan |
Loan - Info | Per Loan | ClosingDateShort | N/A | Closing Date of the Loan in short date format |
Loan - Info | Per Loan | ClosingDateLong | N/A | Closing Date of the Loan in long date format |
Loan - Info | Per Loan | OriginalLoanAmount | [ORIGINAL_LOAN_AMT] | Original Loan Amount |
Loan - Info | Per Loan | ActiveInterestRate | N/A | Current Interest Rate |
Loan - Info | Per Loan | MaturityDate | [MATURITY_DATE] | Maturity Date |
Loan - Info | Per Loan | DocumentDatePerDiem | N/A | Per Diem (Daily Interest Accrued) |
Loan - Info | Per Loan | MonthlyPaymentDay | [REG_MONTHLY_PMT_DAY] | Monthly Payment Day |
Loan - Info | Per Loan | NumberOfPayments | N/A | Number of Payments - Total number of Payments through the loan's originally set schedule |
Loan - Info | Per Loan | RemainingNumberOfPayments | N/A | Remaining Number of Payments - Total remaining unpaid payments left on a loan |
Loan - Info | Per Loan | DaysPastDue | N/A | Days Past Due |
Loan - Info | Per Loan | FirstPaymentDate | N/A | First Payment Date |
Loan - Info | Per Loan | PaymentFrequency | N/A | First Frequency - Frequency of payments at the beginning of the schedule |
Loan - Info | Per Loan | GracePeriodDays | N/A | Grace Period Days as an integer. |
Loan - Balances | Per Loan | ActivePrincipalBalance | N/A | Current Principal Balance |
Loan - Balances | Per Loan | DocumentDatePrincipalBalance | N/A | Principal Balance on the "Document Date" |
Loan - Balances | Per Loan | DocumentDateOutstandingLateFeeBalance | N/A | Outstanding Balances – Late Fee |
Loan - Balances | Per Loan | DocumentDateImpoundBalance | N/A | Outstanding Balances – Impound |
Loan - Balances | Per Loan | DocumentDateOutstandingInterest | N/A | Outstanding Balances – Interest |
Loan - Balances | Per Loan | DocumentDateLenderFeeBalance | N/A | Outstanding Balances - Lender Fees |
Loan - Balances | Per Loan | BalloonAmount | N/A | Balloon Amount - Amount of final balloon payment |
Loan - Balances | Per Loan | DocumentDatePayoffAmount | N/A | Document Date Payoff Amount - includes interest, principal, outstanding interest, outstanding late fees, Lender fees and Late fees |
Loan - Balances | Per Loan | InArrearsTotalAsOfDate | N/A | In Arrears Total As Of Date - Sums up all due payments to catch up a borrower. (Doesn't include principal balance) |
Loan - Balances | Per Loan | DocumentDateHoldBalance | N/A | Document Date Hold Balance |
Loan - Balances | Per Loan | DocumentDateOutstandingBalancesTotals | N/A | Total of outstanding balances as of Document Date. Sums outstanding interest, outstanding late fees, and outstanding lender fees. |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | PaymentTotalFeesDue | N/A | Total [Lender] Fees Due |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | PaymentTotalImpoundDue | N/A | Total Impound Due |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | PaymentInterestDue | N/A | Interest Due |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | PaymentPrincipalDue | N/A | Principal Due |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | PaymentTotalDueWithoutLate | [NEXT_DUE_AMOUNT_ WITHOUT_LATE] | Amount of next payment without any accrued late fees |
Loan - Payment | N/A | N/A | [NEXT_DUE_AMOUNT_ | Amount of next due with late fee, regardless of whether payment is late already. If payment amount is $100 and late fee is $50, total will display $150 even if the loan isn't late yet. |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | NextDueAmountWithLate | [NEXT_DUE_AMOUNT_ | Amount of next payment with accrued late fees, only if payment is already considered late. If payment is late on 01/10/2023 and document is generated on 01/01/2023, payment will not display late fee. If document is generated after grace period, then payment will display with late fee. |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | NextDuePaymentWithOutstandingTotals | N/A | Amount of next due payment (without late fee) and with all outstanding balances due (lender fees, late fees, outstanding interest balances). |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | PaymentDueDateShort | [NEXT_DUE_DATE] | Next payment due date |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | PaymentLateFeeAmount | [NEXT_DUE_LATE_FEE] | Late fee amount if not paid by next due date |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | PaymentGracePeriodEnds | N/A | Last Date of the Payment Grace Period |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastRegDueDate | N/A | The due date of the last regularly scheduled payment made, regardless of Document. |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastRegPmtCheckNumber | N/A | The check reference number that was entered on the last regularly scheduled payment that was made, regardless of Document Date. If no check reference number was entered, will be empty. |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastPaymentDate | N/A | The date of the last payment that was made, regardless of the Document Date. |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastPaymentAmount | N/A | Last Payment Amount, regardless of Document Date. |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastPaymentPrincipal | N/A | The amount paid to principal of the last payment made, regardless of the Document Date. |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastPaymentInterest | N/A | The amount paid to interest of the last payment made, regardless of the Document Date. |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastPaymentLateFee | N/A | The amount paid to late fees of the last payment made, regardless of the Document Date. |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastPaymentImpound | N/A | The amount paid to Impound/Escrow of the last payment made, regardless of the Document Date. |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastPaymentLenderFeeTotal | N/A | The sum amount paid to all Lender Fees of the last payment made, regardless of the Document Date. Note: If you have multiple lender fees, they will be summed & displayed as 1 total. |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastUnScheduledPaymentDueDate | N/A | The due date of the last unscheduled payment made. |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastUnScheduledPaymentCheckNumber | N/A | The check reference number that was entered on the last unscheduled payment that was made. If no check reference number was entered, will be empty. |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastUnScheduledPaymentDate | N/A | The date of the last unscheduled payment that was made before the document date. Returns "No previous unscheduled payment" if no unscheduled payment is recorded. |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastUnScheduledPaymentAmount | N/A | The total amount of the last unscheduled payment made before the document date. |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastUnScheduledPaymentPrincipal | N/A | The amount paid to Principal of the last unscheduled payment made before the document date. |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastUnScheduledPaymentInterest | N/A | The amount paid to Interest of the last unscheduled payment made before the document date. |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastUnScheduledPaymentLateFee | N/A | The amount paid to Late Fees of the last unscheduled payment made before the document date. |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastUnScheduledPaymentImpound | N/A | The amount paid to Impound/Escrow of the last unscheduled payment made before the document date. |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastUnScheduledPaymentLenderFeeTotal | N/A | The sum amount paid to all Lender Fees of the last unscheduled payment made before the document date. Note: If you have multiple lender fees, they will be summed & displayed as 1 total. |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | TotalDuePaidLast31Days | N/A | Total Payment made in Last 31 days - (31 days prior from Document Date used). Values return “N/A” if no previous payments are found |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | PrincipalDuePaidLast31Days | N/A | Total Principal paid in Last 31 days - (31 days prior from Document Date used). Values return “N/A” if no previous payments are found |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | InterestDuePaidLast31Days | N/A | Total Interest Due paid in Last 31 days - (31 days prior from Document Date used). Values return “N/A” if no previous payments are found |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LateFeesDuePaidLast31Days | N/A | Total Late Fees Due paid in Last 31 days - (31 days prior from Document Date used). Values return “N/A” if no previous payments are found |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | TotalLateFeesPaidLast31Days | N/A | Total Late Fees paid in Last 31 days... Sum of outstanding AND ‘due’ late fees - (31 days prior from Document Date used). Values return “N/A” if no previous payments are found |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | FeesPaidLast31Days | N/A | Total Fees Due paid in Last 31 days - (31 days prior from Document Date used). Values return “N/A” if no previous payments are found |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | ImpoundDuePaidLast31Days | N/A | Total Impound (Escrow) Due paid in Last 31 days - (31 days prior from Document Date used). Values return “N/A” if no previous payments are found |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | HoldAccountPaidLast31Days | N/A | Sum of amounts paid into the “Hold” account in Last 31 days - (31 days before the Document Date used). Values return “N/A” if no previous payments are found |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | OutstandingLateFeesPaidLast31Days | N/A | Sum of outstanding late fees paid in Last 31 days - (31 days prior from Document Date used). Values return “N/A” if no previous payments are found |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | OutstandingInterestPaidLast31Days | N/A | Sum of outstanding interest paid in Last 31 days - (31 days prior from Document Date used). Values return “N/A” if no previous payments are found |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastPaymentDateLast31Days | N/A | The payment date of the last payment made 31 days before the Document Date |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastRegDueDateLast31Days | N/A | The due date of the last payment made 31 days before the Document Date |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastPaymentAmountLast31Days | N/A | The payment amount of the last payment made 31 days before the Document Date |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastRegPmtCheckNumberLast31Days | N/A | The check number information of the last payment made 31 days before the Document Date |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastPaymentPrincipalLast31Days | N/A | The amount paid to principal of the last payment made 31 days before the Document Date |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastPaymentInterestLast31Days | N/A | The amount paid to interest AND outstanding interest of the last payment made 31 days before the Document Date |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastPaymentLateFeeLast31Days | N/A | The amount paid to Late Fees AND Outstanding Late Fees of the last payment made 31 days before the Document Date |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastPaymentImpoundLast31Days | N/A | The amount paid to Impound of the last payment made 31 days before the Document Date |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastPaymentLenderFeeTotalLast31Days | N/A | The sum total of all Lender Fees paid of the last payment made 31 days before the Document Date |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastUnScheduledPaymentDateLast31Days | N/A | The payment date of the last Unscheduled payment made 31 days before the Document Date |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastUnScheduledPaymentDueDateLast31Days | N/A | The due date of the last Unscheduled payment made 31 days before the Document Date |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastUnScheduledPaymentAmountLast31Days | N/A | The payment amount of the last Unscheduled payment made 31 days before the Document Date |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastUnScheduledPaymentCheckNumberLast31Days | N/A | The check number information of the last Unscheduled payment made 31 days before the Document Date |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastUnScheduledPaymentPrincipalLast31Days | N/A | The amount paid to principal of the last Unscheduled payment made 31 days before the Document Date |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastUnScheduledPaymentInterestLast31Days | N/A | The amount paid to interest AND outstanding interest of the last Unscheduled payment made 31 days before the Document Date |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastUnScheduledPaymentLateFeeLast31Days | N/A | The amount paid to Late Fees AND Outstanding Late Fees of the last Unscheduled payment made 31 days before the Document Date |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastUnScheduledPaymentImpoundLast31Days | N/A | The amount paid to Impound of the last Unscheduled payment made 31 days before the Document Date |
Loan - Payment | Per Loan | LastUnScheduledPayment LenderFeeTotalLast31Days | N/A | The sum total of all Lender Fees paid of the last Unscheduled payment made 31 days before the Document Date. |
Loan - YTD | Per Loan | PayinsYearToDateFees | N/A | Year-to-Date – Total (Lender) Fees Due |
Loan - YTD | Per Loan | PayinsYearToDateImpound | N/A | Year-to-Date – Impound Dues |
Loan - YTD | Per Loan | PayinsYearToDateInterest | N/A | Year-to-Date – Interest Dues |
Loan - YTD | Per Loan | PayinsYearToDatePrincipal | N/A | Year-to-Date – Principal Dues |
Loan - YTD | Per Loan | PayinsYearToDateTotal | N/A | Total Amount Due Paid to Date |
Loan - YTD | Per Loan | PayinsYearToDateLateFees | N/A | Payins Year To Date Late Fees - Not Inclusive of any outstanding Late Fees paid. |
Loan - YTD | Per Loan | PayinsYearToDateOutstandingLateFees | N/A | Payins Year To Date Outstanding Late Fees - Only inclusive of outstanding Late Fees paid. |
Loan - YTD | Per Loan | PayinsYearToDateOutstandingInterest | N/A | Outstanding interest paid over the past year to date |
Loan - Total (Over Life of Loan) | Per Loan | TotalInterestOLOL | N/A | Total Interest Over Life Of Loan (OLOL) - sum of “Interest Due” for all “Regular” and “Prorate” periods |
Loan - Total (Over Life of Loan) | Per Loan | TotalPaymentsOLOL | N/A | Total Payments Over Life Of Loan (OLOL) - sum of payments for all “Regular” and “Prorate” periods |
Loan - To Date | Per Loan | PrincipalPaidToDate | N/A | Sum of Principal paid from start of loan to the chosen Document Date. |
Loan - To Date | Per Loan | InterestPaidToDate | N/A | Sum of Interest paid from start of loan to the chosen Document Date. |
Loan - To Date | Per Loan | OutstandingInterestPaidToDate | N/A | Sum of Outstanding Interest paid from start of loan to the chosen Document Date. |
Loan - To Date | Per Loan | LateFeesPaidToDate | N/A | Sum of Late Fees and Outstanding Late Fees paid from start of loan to the chosen Document Date. |
Loan - To Date | Per Loan | LenderFeesPaidToDate | N/A | Sum of Lender Fees paid from the start of loan to chosen Document Date. Note(s): If payments exist past the document date, they won't be summed. All lender fees are summed into 1 value, not a breakdown of individual fees. |
Loan - To Date | Per Loan | TotalsPaidToDate | N/A | Sum of total payments paid from start of loan to the chosen Document Date. |
Date | All | DocumentDateShort | [DATE] | Shows date based on selected document generation date |
Date | All | DocumentDateLong | N/A | Shows date based on selected document generation date |
Account | All | ServicerName | [SERVICER_NAME] | Company Name |
Account | All | ServicerStreet1 | [SERVICER_STREET1] | Street 1 |
Account | All | ServicerStreet2 | [SERVICER_STREET2] | Street 2 |
Account | All | ServicerCity | [SERVICER_CITY] | City Example: San Mateo |
Account | All | ServicerState | [SERVICER_STATE] | State Example: CA |
Account | All | ServicerZip | [SERVICER_ZIP] | Zip |
Account | All | ServicerPhone | [SERVICER_PHONE] | Phone Number |
Account | All | ServicerEmail | [SERVICER_EMAIL] | Email |
Account | All | FullServicerAddress | N/A | Full Servicer Address |
Investments - Date | Per Lender | StartOfPeriod | N/A | First Day of Pay Period |
Investments - Date | Per Lender | EndOfPeriod | N/A | Last Day of Pay Period |
Investor - Contact | Per Lender | InvestorFirst | N/A | First Name Example: Jane |
Investor - Contact | Per Lender | InvestorLast | N/A | Last Name Example: Doe |
Investor - Contact | Per Lender | InvestorMiddle | N/A | Middle Name |
Investor - Contact | Per Lender | InvestorFirstMiddleLast | N/A | First Middle Last |
Investor - Contact | Per Lender | InvestorOrg | N/A | Organization |
Investor - Contact | Per Lender | InvestorFullName | N/A | Full Name and Organization |
Investor - Contact | Per Lender | InvestorPhone | N/A | Primary Phone Number |
Investor - Contact | Per Lender | InvestorEmail | N/A | Email Address |
Investor - Contact | Per Lender | InvestorFullAddress | N/A | Full Address - Combination of Street 1, Street 2, City, State, Zip |
Investor - Contact | Per Lender | InvestorStreet1 | N/A | Street 1 |
Investor - Contact | Per Lender | InvestorStreet2 | N/A | Street 2 |
Investor - Contact | Per Lender | InvestorCity | N/A | City |
Investor - Contact | Per Lender | InvestorState | N/A | State |
Investor - Contact | Per Lender | InvestorZip | N/A | Zip |
Custom UDF/CUF Variables
To insert your custom user field data variables in a document, please refer to the 'How to Use Merge Field Variables' guide to learn how to insert a variable if you're using a Windows or MacOS computer, below are some examples of working with UDF variables. These variables use the following naming convention with all spaces removed and are case-sensitive.
Category: Loan
UDF Name: "Text Loan Udf"
Category: Loan
UDF Name: "Integer Loan Udf"
Category: Loan
UDF Name: "Decimal Loan Udf"
Category: Loan
UDF Name: "Percentage Loan Udf"
Category: Contact
UDF Name: "first contact udf"
Category: Contact
UDF Name: "second contact udf"
Table Variables
To use table variables, you'll want to insert a 3-by-2 (3 rows and 2 columns) table in your Word document and type in the table variable's name exactly as shown (or copy-paste). The typed variable name must be entered into the first cell (1x1) as shown in the sample images below.
1) Payoff Statement (Combined)
This table variable returns a table with payoff values including principal balance due, interest due, outstanding interest, other charges (including a total of all other fees), and the total payoff amount.
Template Formatting Example:
Generated Document Output Example:
2) Payoff Statement (Detailed)
This table variable returns a table with payoff values including principal balance due, interest due, outstanding interest, other charges (itemized lender fees), and the total payoff amount.
Template Formatting Example:
Generated Document Output Example:
3) Payoff Statement (Combined) Hold Inclusive
This table variable returns a table with payoff values including principal balance due, interest due, outstanding interest, other charges (including a total of all other fees), and the total payoff amount. This table also accounts for any hold account funds that might exist to quote the borrower a more accurate payoff figure.
Template Formatting Example:
Generated Document Output Example:
4) Payoff Statement (Detailed) Hold Inclusive
This table variable returns a table with payoff values including principal balance due, interest due, outstanding interest, other charges (itemized lender fees), and the total payoff amount. This table also accounts for any hold account funds that might exist to quote the borrower a more accurate payoff figure.
Template Formatting Example:
Generated Document Output Example:
5) Schedule
This Table Variable returns a table with payments and future scheduled payments including: due date, paid date, total due, total paid, principal due, principal paid, interest due, interest paid, late fee due, late fee paid, lender fees due, lender fees paid, impound/escrow due, impound/escrow paid, other, and the pay period's ending balance.
Template Formatting Example:Generated Document Output Example:
6) Amortization Schedule
This table variable returns an amortization table with projected values including pay period due dates, pay period's starting principal balance, total due, principal due, interest due, and the pay period's ending balance.
Template Formatting Example:
Generated Document Output Example:
7) Principal Additions
This table variable returns a table with the principal additions for the last 31 days including the draw activity date range, effective date, and the amount added. The date range used will be 31 days before the selected document date, through to the document date.
Note: This table variable does not work for investment module users, you would want to use the Investor Funding table with the 'Per Lender' target/source for loan funding/additions.
Template Formatting Example:
Generated Document Output Example:
8) Transactions
This table variable returns a table with transaction details for the last 31 days including the transaction activity date range, transaction date, payment type (Regular/Scheduled, Unscheduled, or Payoff), check number/description, and amount.The date range used will be 31 days before the selected document date, through to the document date.
Template Formatting Example:
Generated Document Output Example:
9) Investor Investments (Investment Module Only)
This table variable returns a table with the investor's active investments including loan names, ownership percentages, next payment dates, maturity dates, interest rate, and current investment value, with a last row denoting a weighted interest rate and summed value for the current value column.
Template Formatting Example:
Generated Document Output Example:
10) Investor Funding (Investment Module Only)
This table variable returns a table with the investor's funding activity including funding at the loan's start (closing date) with those funds denoting a disbursement, and reassignment of an investor's portion (depending on the portion being added or lost, it'll be shown as a positive or negative number).
Template Formatting Example:
Generated Document Output Example:
11) Investor Payouts (Investment and NACHA Module Only)
This table variable returns a table with borrower payments that are ready for NACHA processing (to create the NACHA file and be considered 'Processed') and includesthe ready payout date (different from the borrower's payment date depending on the number of days you set to hold funds before 'Ready for Payout'), loan name, principal, interest, late fees, other fees, and total columns. This will include entries based on the selected template's Date Range options.
Note: This table only works if you use both the investments and NACHA modules.
Template Formatting Example:
Generated Document Output Example:
12) Investor Payouts Processed (Investment and NACHA Module Only)
This table variable returns a table with the investor's processed payouts including the date, loan name, principal, interest, late fees, other fees, and total columns.
Note: This table only works if you use both the investments and NACHA modules.
Template Formatting Example:
Generated Document Output Example: