Dashboard - Widgets
  • 25 Jun 2024
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Dashboard - Widgets

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Article summary

Widgets are snapshot reports of your current loan portfolio located on the Dashboard.  Widgets in the Basic Loan Tracker include:

Historic Principal Balance - a report of the principal balance of your loans over the past year.

  • Each bar on the chart represents the total principal balance of all loans at the end of each month.
    For example, the 06/01/23 bar on the chart represents principal balances up to and including that date, 06/01/23.
  • The chart covers the past 12 months.
  • The chart includes all loans that were active during each month.

Historic Weighted Interest Rate - a report of the weighted interest rate of your loans over the past year.

  • This chart will display the weighted interest rate (the sum value of each loan's rate multiplied by the ratio of that loan's balance against the total principal balance) for each month up to that date.
  • For example, a total principal balance is first calculated up to each date. For 06/01/23, there will be a total principal balance calculated from 05/02/23 up to 06/01/23.
  • Each loan that had a principal balance in that timeframe will have its interest rate calculated against the ratio of its value to the total principal balance of that month.
  • This interest rate is then added to the overall weighted interest rate.

Payment History - a report of payments to your loans over the past year.

  • This chart pulls in all payments made within the last year, read, all payments made from (Today's Date minus 1 year) to today or all payments made from 06/25/23 to 06/25/24.
  • Each payment is then grouped by their month and year. For example, groups are created as such; 06/23 reports all payments made from 06/01/23 - 06/30/23, 07/23 reports all payments made from 07/01/23 - 07/31/23, etc.
  • Each group (06/23, 07/23, 08/23, etc.) will sum the payments that belong to their group.
  • Only the following categories are summed and shown in the Payment History Chart:
         Principal, Interest, and Late fees
  • Not included are: Outstanding Interest, outstanding late fees, lender fees, impound, etc.
  • Each bar will represent the total amount of Principal, Interest, and Late fees that were collected during that month.