Deleting an ACH Payment from the Schedule
  • 06 May 2024
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Deleting an ACH Payment from the Schedule

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Article summary

If there is ever an ACH payment that returns a status of 'Rejected', 'Returned Other', or 'Returned NSF', then you'll want to navigate to the loan's ACH tab and use the 'Del Payment' or 'Del' buttons under the options column. When it's specifically an NSF, you'll see an 'NSF' button, guide to this here. This process also applies to any 'Scheduled' payments you've canceled via ACHQ. Bryt then processes cancellation requests every 4-5 hours, after that the 'Del Payment' button as shown in the image below will be available for clearing.

Upon clicking the button, you'll be prompted the following dialog box:

Click 'OK' to delete the attempted ACH Payment from the corresponding Pay Period on the Schedule(Refer to Due On Column on the ACH tab)

The Payment will now be deleted from the schedule and you can reattempt the collection of dues on the failed pay period's payment. 

Deleting a Successful ACH Payment
To delete a successful ACH payment, you'll need to know that the ACH payment status cannot be replaced. Once we delete an ACH payment we cannot reinsert it on the loan's schedule. Successful ACH payment deletion requests are generally requested to correct a mistake on the schedule regarding the collection of dues (late fees or incorrect amounts) or payment dates. Once a successful ACH payment is deleted, it cannot be replicated and ACHQ-related ACH data will be lost since you'll need to record it manually on the loan.

If this is the case, please submit your request to and please note that once deleted you'd have to record a manual payment entry since the ACH payment cannot be duplicated/replicated on a loan once deleted. 

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