Emailing through Bryt
  • 21 Mar 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
  • Dark

Emailing through Bryt

  • Dark

Article summary


The Bryt system allows users to send two types of emails:

  1. Individual Emails are sent on behalf of the individual users.  Individual users configure their personal email addresses and accounts in user settings.  The individual user can access the Email tool by selecting the Send an Email option from the Quick Tools menu.  A record of emails sent by the individual user will be stored in the Communication section for the Contacts and Loans associated with the email.
  2. Company emails are sent on behalf of your company.  Users can configure their Company email address and account in Admin – Email Settings.  The company emails are generally used to send out automated notices (invoices, late notices, statements, etc) on behalf of the company.  A record of emails sent by the Company will be stored in the Communication section for the Contacts and Loans associated with the email.


Before you send an email through the Bryt system, Bryt will check the email address to make sure it is a validly formed email address (includes @, .com , etc).  If it is not a validly formed email, you will receive an error message.  After the email is sent, Bryt does not confirm whether the email was delivered, opened, or any other action.  If you have concerns about email delivery, please contact Bryt customer support via email at for details.  


Suppose you'd like to receive a copy of individual or company emails sent. In that case, you can select the “BCC” option when setting up your email settings (under Admin - Email Settings or the individual user account's Email Settings).  Many users like to have copies of these emails sent to an email account to verify that they were sent and/or for compliance purposes. However, you can also check the 'Email' tab on contacts or loans to ensure an email was sent. 
Note: The FROM email cannot be the same as the BCC email, otherwise no emails will be sent. 


Bryt uses the SendGrid ( emailing system to send emails.  When you send an email through Bryt, the email that the recipient receives will usually be identified as being sent using the Bryt system.  Depending on the email service that your recipient is using, they may see something like this in the FROM field:

FROM: ABC Loan Co - Payments via

As you can see, the Bryt system appends “via”.  Some email services might even notify the user that the server that sent the email ( is not the same as the sender’s address in the email (   If you prefer to remove this message, your technical team will have to add TXT records for SPF and DKIM to your sending domain’s DNS record for

As of February 2024, SendGrid integrated new DMARC compliance requirements which reject emails containing,, and domains. This change was implemented to reduce spam emails. You do not need to do anything unless you want emails sent by Bryt to be received with your custom company domain (see paragraph 3 below).

We inform you of this because,to ensure successful deliverability, any outgoing Bryt emails will automatically swap our domain (by appending for any emails that use AOL/Gmail/Yahoo domains. If you enter '' for any email setting in the system, we take the email's username (prefix) and append ours, as ''. When your borrowers/lenders receive these emails and reply to them, you will still receive borrower/lender response emails to your original email (with the AOL/Gmail/Yahoo domains). 

If you do not want emails sent from our domain (ex:, you'll need to purchase a domain for your company and ensure the domain is configured to meet DMARC requirements. If you have more questions about purchasing and configuring your custom company email domain we have a resource to assist you.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email for further details. Thanks! 


If the email recipient replies to the email sent through Bryt, the reply will be sent to the originating user's (or company's) email configured in Bryt. Bryt will not receive any replies from your recipient.