Advanced Loan Options - Elapsed Days of Interest (Paid On Date)
  • 12 Jan 2023
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Advanced Loan Options - Elapsed Days of Interest (Paid On Date)

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Article summary

The traditional way Bryt calculates interest for loans is based on the payment frequency selected and its associated accrual method - whether it's Periodic (30/360) or Actual Days (Actual/360 or Actual/365). However, some clients require interest calculations based on the number of days elapsed (Paid On Date) from the closing date or last Paid On Date, compared to the traditional method of interest accrual calculations using the End of Period. 

In this Paid On Date scenario, when a borrower makes either a late or early payment they're being charged interest based on the number of days elapsed from the closing date or prior 'Paid On' dates. 

Contact Bryt Support
If you'd like to have this Elapsed Days of Interest option when creating a loan, please contact Bryt Support to have the advanced loan options claims assigned to your account. 

Once you have those claims assigned you'll want to make sure to select the 'Actual Days' option on the Interest Accrual Information page when going through the loan creation wizard. 

Secondly, you'll need to select the 'Paid on Date' option for 'Collect Interest Paid Through' on the Amortization setup page when going through the loan creation wizard. 

Please make sure to report any technical issues you may be experiencing with this feature by contacting Bryt Support