Interest Accrual Methods (Bryt's Math Calculations)
  • 06 Apr 2024
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Interest Accrual Methods (Bryt's Math Calculations)

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Article summary

Bryt has different interest accrual method options for you to match your preferred interest dues over the life of a loan.  It is important to understand these accrual methods, their differences, and how each is calculated - so this guide will help with that. 

Breakdown of Bryt's Interest Accrual Options

While Bryt can be configured for standard accrual methods (Periodic 30/360, Actual/365, Actual/360) we have built in the ability to perform variations of the standard methods by using different combinations of: 
1) Payment Frequency, 
2) Interest Day-Count, and 
3) Per Diem

1) Payment Frequency determines the regularity of a loan's dues. 
Payment Frequency options in Bryt are:

  • Monthly – payment occurs every month on a specific date
  • Quarterly – payment occurs every three months on a specific date
  • Twice monthly – payment occurs two times per month on specific dates
  • Weekly – payment occurs every week on a specific day
  • Every other week - payment occurs every other week on a specific day
  • Annually – payment occurs once a year on a specific date
  • Single Pay Period - Payment will occur once on a specified future date


2) Interest Day-Count is how we calculate the number of days between two payment dates.  
The following settings are available for Interest Day-Count: 

  • Periodic (Even 30-Day Pay Periods) – uses the same number for each period, even though the periods may vary.  

Example: Months are always counted as 30 days, regardless of the actual number of days in the month

  • Actual Days (365) - counts the actual days in the pay period.

Example: Days of the month might be 28, 29, 30, or 31 days

3) Per Diem (or Daily Interest) is the interest charged on a loan daily.  
This term is also referred to as the Daily Accrual.  We use Per Diem (or Daily Interest) to calculate prorated payments as well as the interest due for a specific Payment Frequency.  The following settings are available for Per Diem (or Daily Interest)

  • 360 divides the Annual Interest rate by 360 to get the Per Diem (or Daily Interest) rate - 
    Many commercial and residential loans use this method to calculate the Per Diem rate as it produces a slightly higher daily rate. Combining this Per Diem calculation with the Actual Days (365) Interest Day-Count produces the most interest for your loan. 
  • 364 divides the Annual Interest rate by 364 to get the Per Diem (or Daily Interest) rate - 
    This method is generally only used for Weekly or Every other week Payment Frequencies.
  • 365 divides the Annual Interest rate by 365 to get the Per Diem (or Daily Interest) rate                

Accrual Combinations and Effective Interest Rate Results
The following is a list of the most common accrual methods:

  • Periodic/360 is commonly used in consumer transactions (like mortgages, otherwise Actual Day loans don't amortize evenly) or commercial transactions. We favor Periodic/360 loans because they will save you time and money, despite alternative options attempting to maximize profits. 

  • Actual Days/360 (365/360) is commonly used in commercial transactions. Many lenders favor this method because it returns a slightly higher effective interest rate.
  • Actual Days/365 (365/365) is commonly used in commercial transactions.
         Note: Only Actual/365 will provide an additional option to factor in an extra day for 'leap years' (For Monthly payment frequency loans). Submit a request to if you'd like this option for Actual/360. 

The following chart describes how to configure Bryt for these common accrual methods.  It also shows the difference in effective interest rates for these configurations.

Common Interest Accrual Methods

Periodic 30/360





Configure the settings in Bryt as follows:

Interest Day-Count Setting in Bryt




Per Diem (or Daily Interest) Setting in Bryt




Effective Interest Rate charged:

Actual Annual Interest Rate




Per Diem (or Daily Interest) rate

Equals Annual Interest Rate divided by Per Diem Setting




Number of Days of Interest collected during the year.  
For Periodic 30/360, it is 30 days x 12 months = 360
For Actual Days, it would be 365. *Unless it is a leap year and you've selected 366.





Effective Interest Rate






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