Investor Portal
  • 20 Feb 2025
  • 9 Minutes to read
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Investor Portal

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Article summary

Add-On Feature
This feature is an add-on module and is only available if you have purchased this module. Contact Bryt support ( to learn more about accessing this module.

The Investor Portal (aka Lender Portal) is an add-on feature that allows Investors to view their participation in active loan investments.  Investor(s) can view their registered portal account settings, personal information (as stored in the servicer's contact record), Investments-related information, and download documents made available by the servicer. 

If you also purchased the Borrower Portal module, when you navigate to 'Admin - Portal Setup'you'll be asked to select which portal you want to set up. Otherwise, you will be taken directly to the lender portal setup configuration page, which mimics the borrower portal setup page.

Note: Each portal (Borrower/Investor) will have different domains and are separate. If a contact in your system is also a borrower, this is allowed since they are separate domains and the same individual contact's email (one contact record) can be used. 

Testing the Portal and Portal Invitations
If you'd like to test these features as you go through this guide and see things from the investor's perspective, you'll want to create a test contact and test loan. Note that the contact will need a valid email, it cannot be the same email as your 'Admin - Email Settings' 'From' email address(which you will also need tosend the portal invitation via email successfully). You may choose to temporarily remove the BCC address (if you use one) and use it for the contact's email while you test. 

To invite investors to register for their portal account (or yourself for testing), you'll want to navigate to the contact's record, then click the 'Portal' tab on the left-hand list (Contact - Portal Guide). Once you're there, there will be a blue link for you to click and send the investor their investor portal registration email invitation (if you've also purchased the borrower portal module, you'll see blue invitation links for both portal options), the email will include all necessary information to register. If you'd like to be guided through that process, please refer to this 
Investor's Registration Perspective guide. 
Note: Portal registration invitations will expire after 48 hours. 

Configuring the Investor Portal
To get started, you'll want to go to Admin - Portal Setup, and select 'Lender Portal' (if asked).
From here, you'll be able toedit the investor portal settings to change the investor's portal view:

Investor Portal Title and 'Show Title on Portal' Checkbox - Sets the portal's title and is shown once the user signs if you've checked the 'Show Title on Portal' checkbox. 

  • Note: The title entered in this field will be added as a prefix on the lender portal's landing page. For example, if you enter 'MyCompany Portal', it'll show as 'MyCompany Portal Login', once the user logs in, the title will only show 'MyCompany Portal' as entered in this field. 

Show Logo on Portal - This option will use the same logo as your company logo as uploaded via 'Admin - Company Details'.
Require Investor Portal Users to use Two Factor Authentication - will force all investor portal users to use two factor authentication.
Editing the Investor Portal Subdomain - This is a requirement - a subdomain must be declared (Saved under Admin - Portal Setup) to activate and be able to test/use your portal - Example: If you leave this field blank, your portal is not considered 'live' for users.

  • Note: A custom URL can be configured for a fee. Ex: (excludes mention of Bryt) - You can reference pricing via our Customizations page and look for the 'White-label Custom Domain' option. 

Portal Support Text - Displays text in the areas below the portal interface to inform the investor of support information - to use if needed. You would list your servicer contact information here. Bryt does not directly support portal users, only servicers.

  • Note for Advanced Users - The '(supports html)' means you can insert a link, like: "Feel free to look this up <a href="" target="_blank"> via Google</a>." - in this example, there will be a link for the 'via Google' text to open a new tab and take the user there. 

Portal Button Color and Portal Button Text Color - You can Google 'Hex Color Picker' to find a color and hex code (# with 6 numbers/letters) to copy and paste into these fields. Entering text like 'Blue' will generate errors.  
Enable or Disable Borrower Portal Modules - Account settings, Personal Information, Investments, Payment History, and Documents.

Investor Portal Modules

You'll click the 'Edit' button beside the module to enable/disable these module options. Modules that are not enabled will not show on the portal side.

Account Settings  Module - For this, you have the check box to enable/disable the module. You can also change the Display Name for the module, so the button's text shows differently on the Investor Portal end. The last option before clicking 'Save', is to allow the investor to either change their username (email) for their portal account without updating your Bryt's contact details, while the last option does allow them to update the email you have saved for them.

Personal Information Module - This shows all the contact details stored in the servicer's contact record in Bryt for the investor. You only have a check box to enable/disable this module and a field to change the button's display text.

Investments Module - Check the box to enable/disable the module and a field to change the investor's portal-end button display text. Additionally, you have checkboxes to show/hide loan data items such as ownership percentage of loan, investor's rate (loan rate minus points/spread), loan rate, loan total current balance, loan original amount, loan next due date, loan next payment amount, loan days late, loan closing date, loan payment frequency, loan remaining payments, and loan maturity date.

Payment History* - Currently non-functional, we will be removing this as it doesn't apply to the investor portal.
*This will be removed with an update as it doesn't apply to the investor portal.

Documents Module -Check the box to enable/disable the module and change the button's display text if you'd like here. This module will allow investors to see Documents, Files, and Taxes (1099 forms) that the servicer has made available to them. This will be covered in further detail later in this guide. 

Investor Portal Modules (Investor's Perspective)

Once logged in, the investor's home page will look like the following if all modules are enabled, if you've not enabled some modules then they will not appear for the borrower.

Home Page

Account Settings Module - This will show the portal user's username (email) and allow them to update their email if you've permitted them in the configuration step. If you select 'No' for this, they won't see the 'Change Username / Email' button when clicking this module. They would only be able to change their portal account password.

Personal Information Module - This shows the details you have stored for the contact in Bryt (investor in this case).

Investments Module - This module will show data based on the checked items in the portal configuration step. A loan's name, investor's ownership percentage, loan rate, and loan balance will always be displayed here. The enabled (checked) Investment data items will appear once you click on the blue hyperlink for each loan name. 

Documents Module -This module allows investors to download 1) generated documents (including automated documents), 2) add files you've uploaded for the loan/contact (borrower), and 3) generated 1098 tax forms. Borrowers cannot upload documents/files via the portal at this time due to security reasons. These options comprise the three tabs available: DocumentsFiles, and Taxes

1) Documents tab - There are two ways this works, you can set a document template (document templates module) to be visible to the investor by default once it's generated (works with automated documents), or generate a document as a one-off and use the 'Portal' button (which overrides the global setting that you've designated in the first option). If you'd like to learn more about generating lender-based documents, please follow this guide

  1.  Admin Document Templates: In the admin area for 'Document Templates', on a document template you've created and uploaded, you would click the 'Edit' button and look for the 'Portal Visibility' drop-down option. If you purchased both the borrower and investor portal, then you'll see four different options None, Borrower, Borrower and Investor, and Investor. Otherwise, only the portal option you've purchased will appear. With this option set, whenever this specific document template is generated they will automatically appear for the portal options you've selected.
  2.  Portal Button - Document Generation: When you generate one of your document templates via a Loan's or Contact's Documents tab (contacts for lender-based documents), you generate the document using the 'Generate Document' button. Once generated, it'll default to the template's settings as you've applied in the 'Admin - Document Templates' area (Step 1 here), which is reflected under the 'Portal Options' column. However, you can use the 'Portal' button (far right Options column) to override the document's visibility. Once the visibility option is set, the borrower will be able to download that document here by clicking the blue file name link.
    Note: If you only purchased one portal module, clicking the 'Portal' button here will serve as a one-click 'Toggle' to show/hide the document for whichever portal you have enabled (borrower/investor portal). Basically, the image shown below with the checkbox for 'Override Global Setting' with its drop-down options wouldn't apply to you.
    Investor's View:

2) Files tab - For this tab, you can upload files (Word, PDF, or Excel) via a Loan's or Contact's Documents tab using the 'Add File' button. Once uploaded, you'll use the 'Portal' button to choose if you'd like to expose that document to the investor on their portal end. When they visit their portal, click on Documents, then click the 'Files' tab they would see the file and click the blue file name link to download that file.
Note: Similar to the Documents tab, if you only have one portal module, the 'Portal' button will serve as a 'toggle' button. If you have both the borrower and investor portal modules, you'll see four options for None, Borrower, Borrower and Investor, and Investor like in the image shown below. If the contact is a lender, then the added file will only show for the investor portal on their side, the borrower options will not reflect the file on the borrower portal end. 

Investor's View:

3) Taxes tab - this tab stores generated 1099 tax forms that the investor can download by clicking the blue 'Download' link. The investor will need to be a participant on a loan with interest payments split to them as investor payouts in a given tax year. If you'd like to learn more about the 1099 tax form generation process, please follow this guide

Investor's View:

Multiple Contacts with the same Email

Once the investor (contact) registers for their first portal, you as the lender/servicer can then save the same email, and the investor on their portal end will see a new option appear on their home page. 

This new option will allow the investor to 'toggle' between different investor (contact) sets of investments, documents, and files.
Note: If you also have the borrower portal, you'll still need to have the contact register for a borrower portal account. If the contacts are all investors, listing the same email for each of their contact records will reveal them as additional contact selection options. 

That concludes the Investor Portal guide. Please contact if you encounter any issues and we can help clarify parts of this guide. Thanks!