Loan Modification - Loan Status
  • 18 Jul 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Loan Modification - Loan Status

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Article summary

To modify the Status of an existing'Pending' state loan, follow the overview's steps until you're at the desired loan's "Modify Loan" drop-down menu. 

Once you're at the loan's summary page, click on the 'Modify/Edit Loan' button. 

This button will provide you with two options: You can either 'Return to Loan Setup' to return to the loan creation wizard and edit the loan's details, or you can select 'Put Loan into Service' to set the loan's status to 'In Service' once you're ready to do so. 

When clicking on 'Return to Loan Setup' you'll be taken back to the loan creation wizard. This will allow you to edit a loan's configuration details before it is set to 'In Service', or you can use this to edit the loan's configuration details and return it to a 'Pending' State like before. 

Once you're ready to set the loan to 'In Service', click on the 'Put Loan into Service' option (from the 'Modify/Edit Loan' button).
You'll be prompted with a warning that says you won't be able to reverse the action once the loan has been set to 'In Service'. If you're sure you want to start servicing the loan then go ahead and click the 'Service Loan' button to set its Status to 'In Service'. 

From there you will be taken to the loan's summary. You'll know it's set to in service when the loan summary button next to the 'Loan Configuration' section says 'Modify Loan' instead of 'Modify/Edit Loan'.

Your loan will now be In Service when viewing your loan list.