Loan - Issues
  • 12 Jun 2023
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Loan - Issues

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Article summary

The Loan Issues are located on the Loan Summary page.  Loan Issues identify special conditions related to the loan.  Some examples include:

Loan IssueDescription
Prorate payment required, unscheduled payments disabledYou will not be able to apply unscheduled payments to this loan until the prorate amount is paid and recorded
Loan is past due, unscheduled payments disabledThe scheduled payment is past due and you will not be able to make unscheduled payments on this loan until the past due amount is paid and recorded
Loan is paid off, payments disabledThe loan is paid off.  You will not be able to apply additional payments to this loan
Single pay period remaining, payoff required
Only one more payment is due and it is the final payment.  The only payment option that will be available is the Payoff Loan Option.

Depending on your version of Bryt you may also have additional Loan Issue messages.


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