- 25 Mar 2024
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Due Payments Widget (Multi-Payment Recording)
- Updated on 25 Mar 2024
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A new and alternative option in Bryt that allows users to record payments on multiple loans at once.
Dashboard - Due Payments
On the dashboard, you'll want to scroll down and find the 'Due Payments' widget. Then you'll want to click the 'View All' button.
After clicking the 'View All' button you'll see a list of active loans. In my screenshot below I've ordered loans by the latest Due On Date, by default it's ordered by their Bryt system creation date.
Note: If a loan says 'No' under the 'Currently Due' column, you will not be able to use the Multi-Payment Recording option to record a payment on that loan. However, you can use the Manual Payment button on the far right 'Options' column to immediately start recording a payment on that loan.
At the top, you'll see 'Dashboard / Due Payments - Payment Date:4/10/2023'. To change the Payment Date the system will note for each loan that is selected, you'll want to use the 'Set Payment Date' button.
After clicking that button, you'll see a dialog box prompted where you'll be able to select the date you want to be recorded for the Due Payment(s). I'll leave the default, which is Today's system Date (the date you're accessing the site).
The 'Make All Current Payments' button will make a payment for the latest unpaid pay period (for all loans in the list) using the payment date selected.
The 'Make Selected Payments' button will only make a payment for loans that are selected in the list, for the latest unpaid pay period on those loans. To individually select loans, you'll want to use the Command/CMD button on a Mac and select each loan, while Windows would be the Control/CTRL key and select each loan.
The 'Export to Excel' button will download an Excel file with all of the listed information on the screen.
Recording Selected Payments
For this example, we'll be using Today's date and selecting a couple of loans.
Once you've clicked on the 'Make Selected Payments' button, you'll be taken to the following data validation process screen:
1) 'Make these payments for $0.00?', the default option of 'No' will record the loan's payments as fully paid (no more no less) for their pay period. The other option of 'Yes' will record the selected loan payments as $0 and add unpaid interest (or late fees if it applies) to the respective Outstanding categories and show on the loan's summary.
2) 'Send Payment Notifications?' will send payments received notices if selecting 'Yes' or won't send them if selecting 'No'.
3) If you select 'Yes' for the 'Make these payments for $0.00?' option, you'll see a new drop-down option for 'Move unpaid interest to principal?'. The Default option of 'No' will leave unpaid interest as 'Outstanding Interest' and count as part of the Interest Balance noted on the loan's summary. If you select 'Yes', then the unpaid interest for that pay period gets added to the principal balance to compound interest.
With those options selected, you'll then click the 'Make Payments' button to initiate the payment recording process. This process will go through and check for certain validation errors for loan or contact data, if errors are found then they will be noted.Once the system is done looping through and payments are recorded, you'll see the number of completed payments matches the number of attempted payments. 2/2 in this case.
From here you can go to each of those individual loans to verify the payments have been recorded, in my case they have been and have the correct payment date and due amounts reflected.
Recording All Payments - 'Make All Current Payments'
The other option is to record all listed payments.
For this, you'll first want to ensure that the correct Payment Date has been set by using the 'Set Payment Date' button.
Then you'll want to click the 'Make All Current Payments' button itself.
Note: There is a new option that asks Yes or No for 'Make these payments for $0.00?'. Selecting 'Yes' will record all applicable loan payments as $0 (loans with their 'Due Now' column noted as 'Yes' in the previous screen). This will add unpaid interest or late fees to the respective Outstanding categories and show on the loan's summary.
You'll want to click the 'Make Payments' button to record payments for all of the loans shown on the previous screen. That will initiate a loading process while each payment is being recorded so you'll want to stay on the page.
Once that's done and no errors are detected, you'll be able to click 'Done' and if you'd like you can double-check the payments were recorded by going to each loan's schedule.
That concludes the guide for this feature. If you encounter any issues please make sure to report this to us via email at support@brytsoftware.com so we can look into it. Feedback is greatly appreciated!