Notices - Templates
  • 29 Aug 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Notices - Templates

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Article summary

To modify the content of your Client notices, you'll want to start by navigating to the 'Admin' tab, then the 'Notices' tab on the left-hand list. You'll then click the 'Template' button to edit the notice's template and variables, or you can click the 'Edit' button to configure the active, auto-email, and trigger settings for the corresponding notice type, click HERE to be taken to the configuration guide. 

The Bryt Basic Loan Tracker comes prepopulated with several notice types.  Among these notices include:

  • Payment Request
  • Payment Received
  • Late Notices
  • Balloon Notice
  • Periodic Loan Statement
  • Welcome Letters
  • And more...

These notices can be modified with your messaging. 

To Edit the Content of the Notice, click on the "Template" button:

For each notice, you can configure the following: 

  1. The content of the email can be edited to provide your own personal messaging.  The editor works like any other text editor program.  You can edit the content, fonts, format, etc.
  2. If you want to dynamically add data that is stored in the Bryt Database into your email, you can select that data from the "Insert Into Document" dropdown box.  The fields that you select from this box will be dynamically inserted into the email when the email is created.  For example:
    • To insert the borrowers first name in the email, select the "BORROWER_FIRST" field.
    • To insert the Loan Name in the email, select the "LOAN_NAME" field.
    • For a description of the Bryt field names, see the Bryt Field List documentation.

When you are done editing your email, you can send a test email by clicking on the "Test" button on the notices table:

Updating Notices With Your Company Logo
You should now be ready to embed the '[LOGO_CENTERED]' variable into your customized 'Notices' documents.

Instead of having the variable field displayed like the above image, it will now be automatically embedded within the Notice's template.
When adding your company logo to a Notice in Bryt 3, it will now insert the HTML for the link to the logo into the document. So it will display within the template as demonstrated below. 

With the update, when you click on the '[LOGO_CENTERED]' variable, the image/logo will be embedded in the notice.
You can now also edit the properties of the image by right-clicking. After right-clicking the image, click on the 'Image Properties' option to bring up an image editing menu. 

The Image Properties options will allow you to set custom dimensions (Width and Height) to the logo (image).
It is recommended to keep the dimensions locked, but if you know the specific resolution you'd like the image to be at then you can uncheck the lock icon.
Once you're satisfied with the size, click on the "OK" button to save the changes to the image.

Final Result
Lastly, by clicking the 'Test' button you can send yourself a test of the notice email (if the used variable intends to send a unique loan link, it'll be a placeholder link instead - such as an ACH payment link variable). Below is a test of what the 'Welcome Letter' notice would look like when the borrower receives their welcoming email.