Standard List Functionality
  • 12 Jun 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Dark

Standard List Functionality

  • Dark

Article summary

Bryt uses a standard format for lists in the system whenever possible. Once a user learns the concepts and functionality we use for our standard list, they can transfer that knowledge to almost any list in the Bryt system.  The example below uses our "Contacts" list, but almost every list in the system uses the same concepts.

All of our lists are presented as a grid, similar to the one below:

Features of the list/grid:

1. To Add a Record to the list/grid, click on the "Add -------" button located in the upper left corner of the grid.  You will be taken to the appropriate page to add a record for that grid.

2. To Export to Excel, click on the "Export to Excel" button located in the upper left corner of the grid, to the right of the "Add" button.  The file that will be exported will be an Excel Workbook file (.xlsx).  The file will contain the all the data, as it is displayed in the grid.

3. To Search for specific record(s) in the list, enter your search criteria in the search bar located in the upper right corner of the list.  As you type, your list will narrow to include any of those records that contain your search criteria.

4. To View Details of a specific record, click on the "View" button located to the right of the record. You will be taken to the appropriate page to view details of that record. 

5. To Page through the list, use the paging arrows located on the bottom left corner of the list.

6. When you click on the three dots to the right of the column heading, you expose the capability to sort, select columns and filter data:

7. The Sort Feature allows you to sort the column you select in either ascending or descending order.

8.  The Columns Feature allows you to select the fields you want to include in your list.

9.  The Filter Feature allows you to filter your data using a variety of parameters.  When a Filter is applied to a column, the three dots to the right of the column heading are faded.  To remove the filter, place your mouse over the dots and click to expose the filter feature.  Click the "Clear" button to remove the filter.

When you leave your list, the system remembers the parameters that you applied to your list.  When you return to that list, the system presents the list to you with those parameters applied. 

