User Settings - Details
  • 12 Jun 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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User Settings - Details

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Article summary

User Settings include your specific user information, including your name, phone number, username (email), password and email settings. 

Details settings (name and phone number) are accessed by selecting "Settings" from the Profile drop-down list located in the upper right corner of the Bryt application, and then selecting "Details":

You can also access the GUIDE ME Tour for User Settings by clicking on the "Need Help" button in the lower right corner and then selecting "GUIDE ME - User Settings" from the "GUIDE ME Tours" section: 

Additionally, you can also access the GUIDE ME Tour for User Settings by clicking on the "Checklist" in the lower left corner and then selecting "GUIDE ME - User Settings":

To Edit your User Settings "Details", Click on the "Edit" button.

Edit your Name and Phone Number.  When you are happy with your changes, click "Save Changes".   To leave this page without saving, click "Cancel".