Optional Module: Lender Fees
  • 16 Feb 2024
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Optional Module: Lender Fees

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Article summary

Outline – System Configuration – Optional Module: Lender Fees

  1. Lender Fees Guide - https://bryt-product-guide.document360.io/docs/lender-fees 
    1. Walk through Creating a Fee
      1. Naming and Description
      2. Amount if the amount is always the same (NSF) then set it here, otherwise leave as $0 and set an amount when adding the fee to the loan instead
      3. Due with Payment or Accruable Fee – designates whether the fee will be due as part of a pay period’s dues or accrue to the lender fee category’s balance (this balance is reflected as part of the loan summary’s Lender Fees Balance)
      4. Investments Module Only – Designate a possible split between Servicer/Lender(s)
      5. Recurring Option – Determines whether the fee will be added to the loan one time or for each pay period (when adding the lender fee you select as of what day the fee is added)
        Note: Most common one-time fees will be Accruable and Non-recurring, ex: Origination Fee, closing cost fee, extension fee, etc. 
      6. Register Account Number – arbitrary number that you set to show which account receives the funds for this fee. 
      7. Optional – Adding the fee to new loans as they’re created
      8. Optional – Tax option to include paid amounts toward this fee (seen as Interest income) to include on 1098 forms (borrower statement) or 1099 forms (Lender Statement) 
    2. Adding the fee to a loan
      1. Selecting the fee that was created 
      2. The date which the fee will be added - Due with Payment will show on the following period’s dues and Accruable will become due on the same date the fee is added (Check the Loan Summary’s Lender Fee Balance after it’s added) and can be paid at any time via an unscheduled payment
      3. The amount that will be charged for the fee (If different from the amount previously set)