  • 16 Feb 2024
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Article summary

Outline – Training – Reports

  1. Reports 
    1. Resources – 
      1. Using Report Filters - 
  2. Explain public (Stock) reports and how each report has its logic so they’ll return different values
  3. Commonly used reports: Payment Report (Tax Reference), Accounting Reconciliation Report, Aging Report vs. Balances Report (One works with $0 recorded payments and the other with unrecorded payment activity), Projected Payments Schedule, and Investments Payout Report (V3) 
  4. Spreadsheet Reports – 
    1. Master Register – shows register entries across all loans ordered by Payment Date
    2. All Payments – shows loan names, their payment source type, and the amount
    3. Consolidated Payments – same as All Payments except it sums amounts across all loans and lists the number of loans instead of the loan name

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