Optional Module: NACHA
  • 16 Feb 2024
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Optional Module: NACHA

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Article summary

Outline – System Configuration – Optional Module: NACHA

  1. NACHA Module - https://bryt-product-guide.document360.io/docs/nacha 
    1. Enter Bank Information for Contacts
    2. Enter Servicer Information under ‘AdminNACHA Settings’
    3. (Investments Module Only) – ‘Admin - Other Settings’ to designate the number of days to hold payments before payouts are made available via the Dashboard’s Ready Payouts Widget
    4. Ensure ‘AdminCompany Details’ are all filled out to successfully generate a NACHA file
    5. Generating NACHA Files - We recommend creating a dummy contact and loan with a small amount for Payins/Payouts to see if your bank will accept the NACHA file. 
      1. Payins – The only way a NACHA file is generated for Payins is by using the ‘Due Payments’ Widget on the Dashboard
      2. Payouts – The ‘Ready Payouts’ widget only works if you have the investments module for servicing/investor payouts
        Note: Two NACHA files will be generated for a grouping of payins/payouts if the grouping contains PPD and CCD bank accounts.
    6. Locating NACHA Files – Reports – NACHA Files
    7. Regen button – only works to update the Admin – Company Details information for the NACHA file header, it does not regenerate the NACHA file for issues with payment/borrower information. 
      1. Note: To regenerate a NACHA file, you would want to delete and re-record payments.
        If it’s an ACH payment, you’ll want to request an ACH payment deletion to support@brytsoftware.com to replace it with a manually recorded payment (takes 1-2 weeks for us to delete it – ACH payments cannot be replicated on the loan once deleted), otherwise, you may choose to send money out one time via alternate means (Zelle, PayPal, etc.) 
    8. Submitting your NACHA Files - From there, you’ll submit the NACHA files to your bank
      : Acceptable NACHA files vary between banking institutions, you may want to follow up with your bank to request a sample file from them, then contact support@brytsoftware.com to see what the issue might be.